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Unveiling the Future of Our Beef: A Journey through Unique Grass-Fed Experiments

written by

Stacie Edwards

posted on

February 16, 2024


We've recently sent one of our steers to the butcher, and I know you've been eagerly anticipating our beef. The wait has felt like an eternity—I understand, trust me. However, we won't have any beef available until later this year.

Now, you might be wondering why, given that I just mentioned taking a steer to the butcher. Well, I'm currently in the midst of some experimentation. (Definitely missed my opportunity to be a scientist, but oh well lol.)

I'm raising a grass-fed/grass-finished steer, a grass-fed/grain-finished steer, and a grass-and-grain-fed heifer. While there are different variables involved (steers vs. heifers, diverse parent genetics), my main focus is on the taste of beef and how it's influenced by what the animal consumes.

You might be thinking there are already plenty of studies out there with this data. However, it's crucial for me to conduct my own research based on my specific climate, livestock, genetics, controls, variables and honestly, this is fun for me. I know.. my mom tells me I’m special all the time! 😅

I'm also comparing the taste of our grass-fed/finished beef to other grass-fed/finished beef to understand how my soil and grasses are performing. This goes beyond what a simple soil test can reveal.


I want to ensure 110% that I'm doing what's best for the animals, the land, and especially my family, which includes you.

When we first got our herd of cattle, we were clueless. Yes, I did a lot of research, but the most valuable experience comes from actually doing the work (trust me).

While we're passionate about feeding animals what they were placed on this Earth to eat, it's essential to note that cows must have the right genetics for grass finishing. Unfortunately, most commercial beef herds (and even more so in dairy herds) lack these genetics.

If you're curious about grass-fed, finished, grain-fed, CAFO differences, click here to read all about the different labels.

Can you convert a grain-dependent cow into a grass-dependent one? It's possible, but it takes a long time for their stomach (rumen) and the rest of their body to adjust, and more times than not, they may never fully adapt.

As a humane and ethical livestock handler, I have to be mindful of how I feed my animals based on their genetics and performance. Animal husbandry is the top priority on our farm.


My mama cows don't have grass-fed/finished genetics, but I'm working on transitioning their offspring to have stronger grass-fed genetics. Will they ever be solely grass/pasture dependent? Probably not in my lifetime, but I can focus on the genetics of their offspring for what's best for the land we steward and the herd we keep.

If you're interested in following our experimentation, click here to join our email list!

Stay tuned for some exciting beef comparisons!

grass fed



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