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Breed Quick Facts - Plymouth Barred Rock

written by

Stacie Edwards

posted on

July 26, 2023

Plymouth Barred Rock

The Plymouth Barred Rock received its name in honor of the pilgrims who set foot on Plymouth Rock. 

This is a dual purpose breed yielding abundant eggs and tasty meat.

With their New England heritage, they do not let winter storms interrupt laying.

They are easy to care for and are friendly with their owners and children.

This breed handles confinement well if you are unable to free range your flock.

About the Breed:

Purpose: egg layer production: ~250 large brown eggs/year

Temperament: docile and calm

Mature weight: 5-6 pounds

Hardiness: cold and heat hardy

Broodiness: rarely

Comb type: single comb

If you're looking for a breed that continues production through harsh winters, this is your bird!

If you are a new chicken owner, check out our article about raising chickens for eggs here.


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chicken breeds

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