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Pork Cut Series: The Belly

written by

Stacie Edwards

posted on

January 9, 2024


Welcome to the savory world of pork belly – a cut that tantalizes taste buds and offers a fun adventure like no other. 

Today, let's dive into the various cuts derived from this succulent part of the pig, and discover the best ways to prepare and savor each delightful piece.

The Classic Slab

The pork belly slab is the foundation of many mouthwatering dishes. Its rich, fatty layers make it ideal for slow-roasting, resulting in crispy skin and tender meat. Season it generously with your favorite herbs and spices, and let the oven work its magic.

Pork Belly Slices

Thinly sliced belly pork is perfect for quick cooking methods like stir-frying or grilling. Achieve a delightful balance of crispy edges and succulent meat by marinating the slices in a flavorful sauce or spice rub before cooking.


Cubes for Delightful Bites

Create bite-sized delights by cutting the belly pork into cubes. These are ideal for kebabs, skewers, or as additions to stews and casseroles. Marinate the cubes overnight for an explosion of flavors that will leave your guests asking for more.

Crackling for the Win

The crispy, golden crackling that tops a perfectly roasted pork belly is an art in itself. Achieving the perfect crackling involves scoring the skin, ensuring it's dry, and roasting at high temperatures. A sprinkle of sea salt before roasting enhances the crunchiness.

Bacon Bliss

Yes, bacon comes from the beloved pork belly! Cure and smoke thin slices to create your own homemade bacon. Whether enjoyed in a classic breakfast setting or as a flavor booster in various dishes, homemade bacon is a true culinary delight.


Tips and Tricks:

  • Brine for Succulence: Consider brining your pork belly before cooking to infuse it with additional moisture and flavor. A simple mixture of salt, sugar, and your favorite herbs and spices can work wonders.
  • Experiment with Flavors: Pork belly is incredibly versatile and can absorb a variety of flavors. Experiment with different marinades, rubs, and glazes to find your signature style.
  • Low and Slow Cooking: For the ultimate tenderness, opt for low and slow cooking methods. This is especially effective for roasting the whole slab or preparing melt-in-your-mouth belly pork confit.
  • Render the Fat: When cooking pork belly slices or cubes, make sure to render the fat properly. This ensures a crispy exterior while maintaining the juicy goodness inside.

From the classic slab to bacon-infused wonders, the pork belly offers an array of cuts that cater to every palate. 

As your trusted meat producer, we invite you to explore the endless possibilities of this delectable cut and elevate your culinary experiences. 

Click here to buy your pork belly.

Indulge in the rich flavors, crispy textures, and succulent goodness that only belly pork can provide. Happy cooking!


pork belly


belly slab

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